API documentation ================================ Some functions may exist twice, once for their namespace and once for global namespace to make easier to write very common functions For instance, in general we use :code:`glm_vec3_dot` to get dot product of two **vec3**. Now we can also do this with :code:`glm_dot`, same for *_cross* and so on... The original function stays where it is, the function in global namespace of same name is just an alias, so there is no call version of those functions. e.g there is no func like :code:`glmc_dot` because *glm_dot* is just alias for :code:`glm_vec3_dot` By including **cglm/cglm.h** header you will include all inline version of functions. Since functions in this header[s] are inline you don't need to build or link *cglm* against your project. But by including **cglm/call.h** header you will include all *non-inline* version of functions. You need to build *cglm* and link it. Follow the :doc:`build` documentation for this .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API categories: affine affine-mat affine2d cam frustum box quat euler mat4 mat3 mat2 vec3 vec3-ext vec4 vec4-ext vec2 vec2-ext color plane project util io call sphere curve bezier version ray