.. default-domain:: C camera ====== Header: cglm/cam.h There are many convenient functions for camera. For instance :c:func:`glm_look` is just wrapper for :c:func:`glm_lookat`. Sometimes you only have direction instead of target, so that makes easy to build view matrix using direction. There is also :c:func:`glm_look_anyup` function which can help build view matrix without providing UP axis. It uses :c:func:`glm_vec3_ortho` to get a UP axis and builds view matrix. You can also *_default* versions of ortho and perspective to build projection fast if you don't care specific projection values. *_decomp* means decompose; these function can help to decompose projection matrices. **NOTE**: Be careful when working with high range (very small near, very large far) projection matrices. You may not get exact value you gave. **float** type cannot store very high precision so you will lose precision. Also your projection matrix will be inaccurate due to losing precision Table of contents (click to go): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Functions: 1. :c:func:`glm_frustum` #. :c:func:`glm_ortho` #. :c:func:`glm_ortho_aabb` #. :c:func:`glm_ortho_aabb_p` #. :c:func:`glm_ortho_aabb_pz` #. :c:func:`glm_ortho_default` #. :c:func:`glm_ortho_default_s` #. :c:func:`glm_perspective` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_move_far` #. :c:func:`glm_perspective_default` #. :c:func:`glm_perspective_resize` #. :c:func:`glm_lookat` #. :c:func:`glm_look` #. :c:func:`glm_look_anyup` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decomp` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decompv` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decomp_x` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decomp_y` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decomp_z` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decomp_far` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_decomp_near` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_fovy` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_aspect` #. :c:func:`glm_persp_sizes` Functions documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. c:function:: void glm_frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearVal, float farVal, mat4 dest) | set up perspective peprojection matrix Parameters: | *[in]* **left** viewport.left | *[in]* **right** viewport.right | *[in]* **bottom** viewport.bottom | *[in]* **top** viewport.top | *[in]* **nearVal** near clipping plane | *[in]* **farVal** far clipping plane | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearVal, float farVal, mat4 dest) | set up orthographic projection matrix Parameters: | *[in]* **left** viewport.left | *[in]* **right** viewport.right | *[in]* **bottom** viewport.bottom | *[in]* **top** viewport.top | *[in]* **nearVal** near clipping plane | *[in]* **farVal** far clipping plane | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_ortho_aabb(vec3 box[2], mat4 dest) | set up orthographic projection matrix using bounding box | bounding box (AABB) must be in view space Parameters: | *[in]* **box** AABB | *[in]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_ortho_aabb_p(vec3 box[2], float padding, mat4 dest) | set up orthographic projection matrix using bounding box | bounding box (AABB) must be in view space this version adds padding to box Parameters: | *[in]* **box** AABB | *[in]* **padding** padding | *[out]* **d** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_ortho_aabb_pz(vec3 box[2], float padding, mat4 dest) | set up orthographic projection matrix using bounding box | bounding box (AABB) must be in view space this version adds Z padding to box Parameters: | *[in]* **box** AABB | *[in]* **padding** padding for near and far | *[out]* **d** result matrix Returns: square of norm / magnitude .. c:function:: void glm_ortho_default(float aspect, mat4 dest) | set up unit orthographic projection matrix Parameters: | *[in]* **aspect** aspect ration ( width / height ) | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_ortho_default_s(float aspect, float size, mat4 dest) | set up orthographic projection matrix with given CUBE size Parameters: | *[in]* **aspect** aspect ration ( width / height ) | *[in]* **size** cube size | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float nearVal, float farVal, mat4 dest) | set up perspective projection matrix Parameters: | *[in]* **fovy** field of view angle | *[in]* **aspect** aspect ratio ( width / height ) | *[in]* **nearVal** near clipping plane | *[in]* **farVal** far clipping planes | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_persp_move_far(mat4 proj, float deltaFar) | extend perspective projection matrix's far distance | this function does not guarantee far >= near, be aware of that! Parameters: | *[in, out]* **proj** projection matrix to extend | *[in]* **deltaFar** distance from existing far (negative to shink) .. c:function:: void glm_perspective_default(float aspect, mat4 dest) | set up perspective projection matrix with default near/far and angle values Parameters: | *[in]* **aspect** aspect aspect ratio ( width / height ) | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_perspective_resize(float aspect, mat4 proj) | resize perspective matrix by aspect ratio ( width / height ) this makes very easy to resize proj matrix when window / viewport reized Parameters: | *[in]* **aspect** aspect ratio ( width / height ) | *[in, out]* **proj** perspective projection matrix .. c:function:: void glm_lookat(vec3 eye, vec3 center, vec3 up, mat4 dest) | set up view matrix **NOTE:** The UP vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the eye point to the reference point. Parameters: | *[in]* **eye** eye vector | *[in]* **center** center vector | *[in]* **up** up vector | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_look(vec3 eye, vec3 dir, vec3 up, mat4 dest) | set up view matrix convenient wrapper for :c:func:`glm_lookat`: if you only have direction not target self then this might be useful. Because you need to get target from direction. **NOTE:** The UP vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the eye point to the reference point. Parameters: | *[in]* **eye** eye vector | *[in]* **dir** direction vector | *[in]* **up** up vector | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_look_anyup(vec3 eye, vec3 dir, mat4 dest) | set up view matrix convenient wrapper for :c:func:`glm_look` if you only have direction and if you don't care what UP vector is then this might be useful to create view matrix Parameters: | *[in]* **eye** eye vector | *[in]* **dir** direction vector | *[out]* **dest** result matrix .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decomp(mat4 proj, float *nearVal, float *farVal, float *top, float *bottom, float *left, float *right) | decomposes frustum values of perspective projection. Parameters: | *[in]* **eye** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **nearVal** near | *[out]* **farVal** far | *[out]* **top** top | *[out]* **bottom** bottom | *[out]* **left** left | *[out]* **right** right .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decompv(mat4 proj, float dest[6]) | decomposes frustum values of perspective projection. | this makes easy to get all values at once Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **dest** array .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decomp_x(mat4 proj, float *left, float *right) | decomposes left and right values of perspective projection. | x stands for x axis (left / right axis) Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **left** left | *[out]* **right** right .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decomp_y(mat4 proj, float *top, float *bottom) | decomposes top and bottom values of perspective projection. | y stands for y axis (top / botom axis) Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **top** top | *[out]* **bottom** bottom .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decomp_z(mat4 proj, float *nearVal, float *farVal) | decomposes near and far values of perspective projection. | z stands for z axis (near / far axis) Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **nearVal** near | *[out]* **farVal** far .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decomp_far(mat4 proj, float * __restrict farVal) | decomposes far value of perspective projection. Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **farVal** far .. c:function:: void glm_persp_decomp_near(mat4 proj, float * __restrict nearVal) | decomposes near value of perspective projection. Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[out]* **nearVal** near .. c:function:: float glm_persp_fovy(mat4 proj) | returns field of view angle along the Y-axis (in radians) if you need to degrees, use glm_deg to convert it or use this: fovy_deg = glm_deg(glm_persp_fovy(projMatrix)) Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix Returns: | fovy in radians .. c:function:: float glm_persp_aspect(mat4 proj) | returns aspect ratio of perspective projection Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix .. c:function:: void glm_persp_sizes(mat4 proj, float fovy, vec4 dest) | returns sizes of near and far planes of perspective projection Parameters: | *[in]* **proj** perspective projection matrix | *[in]* **fovy** fovy (see brief) | *[out]* **dest** sizes order: [Wnear, Hnear, Wfar, Hfar]