Features ================================================================================ * array api and struct api, you can use arrays or structs. * general purpose matrix operations (mat4, mat3) * chain matrix multiplication (square only) * general purpose vector operations (cross, dot, rotate, proj, angle...) * affine transformations * matrix decomposition (extract rotation, scaling factor) * optimized affine transform matrices (mul, rigid-body inverse) * camera (lookat) * projections (ortho, perspective) * quaternions * euler angles / yaw-pitch-roll to matrix * extract euler angles * inline or pre-compiled function call * frustum (extract view frustum planes, corners...) * bounding box (AABB in Frustum (culling), crop, merge...) * bounding sphere * project, unproject * easing functions * curves * curve interpolation helpers (SMC, deCasteljau...) * helpers to convert cglm types to Apple's simd library to pass cglm types to Metal GL without packing them on both sides * ray intersection helpers * and others...