Any lurk server questions? I'd like some! DNS today! UDP first: Let's make a little UDP query system Do we need a list of clients to reply to? We can keep a list of unique clients Discussion: Could we run lurk over UDP? Alright, dns_meddler I tend to bumble around a lot working with DNS queries Used ChatGPT for this one and had mixed resuilts So I decided to have it help me with this example It did run out of capacity partway through, so I had to finish by myself Actually ran this on nimrod for a while, so I could see my own queries easily Kind of a lot of them! Let's take a look through Wikipedia: I'd actually recommend you all read this article Good outline of a solution to a thorny problem We'll be a little quick, because I want to do the live demo Remember: I try to cover stuff that's harder to just read You're studying Computer Science, so study hard! I'm here to facilitate learning, making sure it happens is secondary